Subscribe to the newsletter I sometimes send

The Menu is my newsletter of marketing and creativity-related insights — all bundled into a list to give you some food for thought. I try to send it once a month, but really, I just send it whenever I have something to say, which might be even less often than that.

It was named in Forbes as one of the “Top Marketing Newsletters You Need To Subscribe To.”

Why “the menu”? The etymology of the French word menu means: a “detailed list of dishes to be served,” a play on my culinary school training. It also means a “list of options displayed on a [computer] screen,” which speaks to my work in tech/marketing.

And with this weekly newsletter, my goal is to package up insights into a menu of options for you.

Finally, menu means, “small, detailed”… like me!

What readers are saying:

“If you enjoy sharing your ideas online, Amanda’s newsletter is a secret weapon for honing your craft.” — Stew Fortier, Co-founder, Foster

This has to be one of the single best newsletter issues I’ve seen from anybody in months. It’s funny and fun. Useful and timely.” — Joe Ferraro, Host, Damn Good Conversation

“Your newsletter is awesome. I’ve been following you for a while since I discovered SparkToro and I must say, you are pretty impressive and awesome, both as a marketer and as a person.” — Camila Saa Echavarría, Marketing Leader, Cebra

Want to read before you commit? Check out past editions…